Chat Bot Testing

Chat Bot Testing

27 December 2017

Testing your bot is not an ordinary system testing task. In addition to being more fun, testing the bot requires a lot of imagination and research.

Unlike traditional systems where checking all the buttons gets you ready to go live, your bot will most likely live on a public channel, and will be exposed to different people with different backgrounds, this will bring a wide range of questions, different speaking styles and many surprises! Here are some tips to for a more intelligent bot conversations.

For You

A good place to start is reading about the domain of your bot on open channels, try wikipedia, facebook, Twitter and others to get a dictionary of what keywords are being used, what questions are being asked and how requests/complaints are stated.

For Your Co-workers

Share your bot with your co-workers, ask them to make conversations using their natural language, identify any pitfalls and address them with your bot, make sure you use a bot management system that registers these pitfalls and allows you to teach them to your bot so it becomes becomes more intelligent with each conversation.

For Your Focus Group

Whether you conduct a formal focus group session, or you simply ask family and friends to speak with your bot, either way, this exercise will add more insight to your project and more intelligence to your bot.

For Your Bot

It’s important to train your bot to inform the users where it couldn’t understand what they said, or execute a request they made, and how it will handle that, this usually includes telling the user that his inquiry will be diverted to a human agent and the answer will be sent to the user once this happens. Read our Bot etiquette article for more details on this.

Once you launch and announce your bot, monitor the conversations your audience are making with your by-now intelligent bot, train it on any shortcomings  and communicate with your audience where necessary.

Be sure to use the bot management system that allows for such activities to give your audience an intelligent and engaging bot that answers their questions, execute their requests and handles any complaints just like you would do.

Happy botting with

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