How to build a chatbot

How to build a chatbot

22 April 2018

Getting started:

1. If you would like to create a guided flow you can start from our "Bot/Human agents" tab and click on "Create a new bot" 

2. If you are familiar with NLP concepts like intents and entities you can start from the "Bot training" tab

3. If you would like to add FAQs you can do that from the "Knowledge Bank" tab

Bot/Human agents
You easily can drag the different dialog options to create the conversation flow.

Let’s create our first “Hello world” chatbot.

In our chatbot builder there are a variety of dialogues such as Text, Input, Action, Cards, Choices, Media and Decisions each has a different function and used in different cases.

Since we are simply displaying the Hello bots world message we will use the “text dialog”, once you drag the “text dialog” to the drawing area you will get “Edit Text Dialog” on the side 

Text Dialog.png

Simply change the “Enter bot message here!” with “Hello World!” and click save

To try out your work from this button in the right left corner icon.png

Hooray! you're on your way to becoming a chatbot expert.

Types of Dialogues you will see in our visual builder
  • Text Dialogue, Text to be added and displayed to the user without any inputs required,
  • Input Dialogue, Input required to continue the flow of the conversation.
  • Action Dialogue, Action to retrieve info or perform a function based on the inputs given.
  • Cads Dialogue, Options displayed with a photo, caption, brief description and a redirect button.
  • Choices Dialogue, options displayed as text.
  • Media Dialogue, A photo, video or a GIF alongside with a caption.
  • Decisions Step (Node), Similar to an IF statement to validate info then perform an action.
*Parameter: is a definition of input to set the conditions of an action’s operation.

Worth The Read

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